June Ephemeris and Festivals

June Ephemeris

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Sun and Planetary Bodies:

  • The Sun is in Gemini, moving into Cancer on the 22nd.
  • Mercury is in Gemini, moving into Cancer on the 5th and Leo on the 27th.
  • Venus is in Taurus, moving into Gemini on the 9th.
  • Mars is in Cancer throughout the month.
  • Jupiter is retrograde in Sagittarius.
  • Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn.
  • Uranus is in Taurus, direct.
  • Neptune is retrograde in Pisces.
  • Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn.
June Festivals:
  • Modraniht: Germanic festival in honor of the idisi or disir. Traditionally held during the Zwolften (12 days of Yule).
  • Vestalia: Roman festival of Vesta, goddess of domestic affairs and the family. Her festival runs from the 7th to the 15th, her feriae on the 9th.
  • Winter Solstice: The shortest day of the year. June 22nd.
