July Ritual Idea: Enchanting the Everyday

Everyone is familiar with the vision of the woods-witch: looking fabulous in her black robe, chanting for hours without stopping to check facebook, putting gods know what into the cauldron and blackmailing the fae to bless her talisman.

But in real life, we would be lucky to get out a jingle while we race to work, let alone complete an entire chant. And what are we enchanting anyways? We hardly need to enchant travel tools anymore, our GPS apps lead the way. And while a good practice, setting protections around the house are no where near as effective in a police investigation as a good security system is.

So where is the magic?

Enchanting is still a skill worth practicing. All manner of items can be enchanted for various reasons, though we may not think of them when it comes to magic. In this article, I’ll be taking you through a very simple enchantment on a USB drive. Yes, a USB drive. If you are as absent minded as I am, you know how easy it is to lose those things! And if you want to see someone fully embody the power of anger, look at them after they realize their USB has been corrupted or damaged….

Let’s start with the items you will need for this enchantment. A USB stick (preferably with as little writing as possible so you can see your sigil), a sharpie or other brand of permanent marker, and a while candle.

The runes I chose to form the sigil are Ansuz and Eihwaz. Ansuz so the information on the USB will forever be legible and clear, and Eihwaz for protection and reliability. You can choose whichever runes speak best to you, but please be aware of creating accidental bindrunes. Combined, the runes I have chosen also form a backwards Sowilo (success, honor, positive change). To prevent energy from this reversed rune, I concentrated on each rune separately, completely ending the energy transfer before moving on to the next rune.

Lay your items out before you on a clean surface. I won’t tell you to perform this enchantment away from distractions in a quiet area, because who has that? Though if you can find an area where the toddler will not spill the juice on the USB, or the housemates aren’t screaming at their team on the TV, that would be good.

Focus on your candle. If you need a mantra or chant, you can repeat something short like “no matter the space, no matter the day, you are found and you are whole”. Direct your thoughts to the candle, seeing nothing but it, until you feel the energy of the candle has taken on your purpose. Light the wick.

Breath for a few moments, and feel the energy within you. When you are ready, grab your sharpie and begin drawing the runes or sigils on the USB directly. It helps if you have pre-drawn your design out. I have thrown out perfectly good items before due to a lack of pre-planning and kindergarten looking designs! As you draw each rune, be completely focused on that particular rune. Think of it’s meaning, what it stands for, what it means to you. If you are using runes, after using each one put your sharpie down and breath for a few moments, thinking of a scene that pleases you.

Once you have drawn your sigil in full, focus on the finished design and see the energy swirling around the USB stick. Once again, if you need to use words you can say something like “The work is done, you have your task. Safe and found you are”.

That’s it! Of course after if you feel light-headed you should ground and center your energy through meditation, but that is a very basic ritual for enchanting that can be applied to any item.

Think of all the items you carry with you or have around your house on a daily basis. What else could you “magic up”? The answer to that is….anything!
